Sunday 28 December 2014

Have a...! or What will be different in 2015?

Our daughter created this piece of art last summer and it still impresses me that she could take some simple materials and a hairdryer and come up with this. Can you guess how it is done? Maybe so, maybe not, but that is not the real point.

2014 saw it's share of joys and sorrows, it's tragedies, deaths, miracles and successes. 2015 will, well lets face it, be the same. Why? That's life! Navigating through it is the challenge because we all know what is waiting for us. 
The centre of our daughter's picture is empty space that leaves the recognisable shape we all know. This shape can represent what we call love. I want to refer to it as having a heart. This seems to be what I need to make it through 2015 without becoming a stressed out blob Dad. What does it mean to you? I will spend the next few days working it out myself.

At the risk of being sentimental and reverting to truisms, I will avoid any quick easy answers for this blog. The only way I can fill the empty space with real heart is by spending time soaking it up from the source it comes from. Time in the presence of the Someone who has given us the Christmas story but who we often ignore. Or we leave this Jesus as a baby in a kid's story we can easily dismiss as harmless. But the reality is far from comfortable and cosy. An even brief contact with His heart can change everything. 

Did you figure out how our daughter did the above piece of art?  If you did then try doing it yourself, it is fun. If not, well that wasn't the real point, was it?

MilleniumDad  (Ron Atkinson) Art work by my daughter